Sunday, November 06, 2005

my first post!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its kinda weird, sitting in my hostel room, writing my first post
lemme say why
i have an end term exam tomorrow, i havent touched a page of the text book
its 4 in the morn, so i have no time to touch the book anyway......
its a 2 credit course, and i am in an iim, the mecca of business education in india, competiion rules!
and what's worse, i refuse to feel any guilt over somehow seems a little inconsequential to me rite now....
there are so many things flitting thru my mind rite now...
its funny why and how i never got down to blogging before
at least i made a start.....
this is my introductory post, and an almost inconherent one i presume..........
definitely more comin up, so i hopefully will get better!
amen to that


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